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Messages - Hugo Buss

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Global / Re: Pictures of some buses in Varna, may 2010
« on: 02.03.2012, 22:59:34 »
7713 was ex-477. It now resides in Vinniza before being scrapped along with many other Volvo buses including the Den Oudsten. I had an Excel file with all the Holland buses' number data, but I don't know if it still exists.
01 was Transtriumf's number, not Schroder or whatever the German operator, he and 0354 have been at 1 city before Varna and interestingly enough they weren't brought at once or looking alike. 01/4031 is scrapped.
Anyway, great pictures :)

Thanks Tisho!
I don't know why I put 473 to 7713. In my excel list there is also 477...
Also thanks for the comment about the 4031!

Global / Re: Buses in Bosnia-Herzegovina
« on: 01.03.2012, 23:08:27 »
and part 2:

Global / Buses in Bosnia-Herzegovina
« on: 01.03.2012, 23:06:46 »
Some pictures I've taken from buses in Bosnia, mainly ex-Dutch buses. Also some trams in Sarajevo. Pictures made between August 21 and August 24, 2011.

Pictures made in Stara Zagora, Nova Zagora and Karnobat, may 26 and may 28, 2010.

Pictures made on May 26th and May 28th

Global / Re: Pictures of some buses in Burgas, may 2010
« on: 29.02.2012, 18:10:22 »
part 3

Global / Re: Pictures of some buses in Burgas, may 2010
« on: 29.02.2012, 18:03:37 »
part 2

Global / Pictures of some buses in Burgas, may 2010
« on: 29.02.2012, 17:58:23 »
These pictures are made on May 27th and May 28th, 2010.

Global / Re: Pictures of some buses in Sofia, may 2010
« on: 28.02.2012, 23:39:48 »
Thanks, Hugo! 5031 is no longer in use...
Ah, that's a shame. Since when is this bus out of service? I also made some movies of this bus:

I think only in Banja Luka, Bosnia there are still 2 running (to be more precise 3 but one is converted to diesel).  This is a video I shot in Banja Luka of a sister of 5031:

Global / Re: Pictures of some buses in Varna, may 2010
« on: 28.02.2012, 23:35:18 »
And 10 to complete the pictures of Varna.

Global / Pictures of some buses in Varna, may 2010
« on: 28.02.2012, 23:28:55 »
These pictures were made on May 27th, 2010.

Global / Re: Pictures of some buses in Sofia, may 2010
« on: 28.02.2012, 23:22:09 »
and some more

Global / Pictures of some buses in Sofia, may 2010
« on: 28.02.2012, 23:20:11 »
Some pictures I made on May 25 and May 28 in Sofia.

Варна / Re: Автобуси (ОБЩА ТЕМА)
« on: 28.02.2012, 18:30:24 »
Може ли някой да ми каже, ако за Den Oudsten 9571 (екс-GVB 546) все още е в експлоатация? :neznam:
Кой от Амстердам автобуси все още са по пътищата Варна?
Това е видео взех през 2010 г.:

Мисля, че Амбасадора го няма вече? Как се представи по варненските улици?  ;)

Global / Re: Pictures of buses I've seen in Bulgaria
« on: 09.06.2010, 22:47:23 »
Hey, Hugo! Did you have the chance to use the public transportation in any Bulgarian city and if yes, what are your thoughts and impressions?
BTW, was the driver of the DAF #360 threatening you with his right hand, while you were taking the photo?  :D

Hey! We only traveled by tram and bus in Sofia. For the rest we had a car hired. I think it was an easy but good working system in Sofia. Only the 'stamping' of the tickets when it's very busy it's not that easy ;-)
And about 360 driver, he was one of the nicest! Didn't understand English but laughing and slowing down for pictures, super! That was by the way everywhere in Bulgaria. I enjoyed it!

Global / Re: Pictures of buses I've seen in Bulgaria
« on: 09.06.2010, 22:44:46 »
Thanks for sharing, Hugo. I can see one forum member on three of the photos :P
And look at these photos, they will be interest to you.

Thanks for the link, a shame that these nice buses are nothing but scrap now... :(

Global / Pictures of buses I've seen in Bulgaria
« on: 09.06.2010, 00:24:58 »
I've been in Bulgaria from may 25-may 28. Pictures can be seen at

Global / Re: Adresses
« on: 19.04.2010, 22:13:34 »
Eridantrans depot is in Zemliane.The address is Sofia 1618, Jitnitsa str. 21.
Map -->

Thanks :fan:
Does anyone know where Comexmasch has it's depot? It seems to be in Asenovgrad if I'm correct? And can someone tell me where we can find Burgasbus depot? Thanks in advance!
Някой знае ли къде Comexmasch разполага със склад? Изглежда, че е в Асеновград, ако съм прав ли съм? И някой може да ми кажете къде можем да намерим Burgasbus депо? Благодаря предварително

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